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Campaign 2 Episode 026

Anthony 0:01
Greetings adventurers and welcome to the Adventure Incorporated Podcast. That’s this podcast, the one you’re listening to right now. I am your Dungeon Master, Anthony Reed. That’s me, the person you’re listening to right now. This is Episode 26, and it is the first episode in the Gathering Darkness story arc. I want to give a big shout out to our Patrons,, who support the show in a way that is different than listening to the show or sharing the show, talking about the show with your friends. These are ways you can support the show, but they go the extra mile. They give us some of their hard earned money every month over at, and in turn we provide them with bonus content, episodes and material and all kinds of fun, exciting stuff that can come only if you are a Patron at with your own personalized RSS feed. All your regular episodes show up in that feed. All your bonus episodes show up in that feed. It’s a one stop shop for food. If by food you like, like, you consume content the same way you consume food. It’s like a supermarket, but it sells 2 things. That’s sort of a 2 thing supermarket over there at I also can’t stress this enough. There are a bunch of places you can go to share the show with your friends and to interact with us as well. Those are places like Twitter, places like Facebook, and most importantly, like our discord and links to all of those things are on Head to the website. You’ll see links to the store, you’ll see links to the world guide, and the wiki you’ll see links to the episodes and you will see social media links as well. All of the transcripts are up there as well for season 2. We have been rolling around- rolling along- rolling- we’ve been rolling around with transcripts, we are just, we are lousy with transcripts. We’re rolling in them. They are they’re piled up like, in a vault of transcripts and oh, boy. How many transcripts can we hold on to? How do I hold all these transcripts? All right. Wow. You know what, let’s just get started. You know what I’m saying? Like, I think it’s- I think I’ve embarrassed myself, and it’s really just- it’s just time, it’s time now. It’s time. Let’s get started.

Nobles and farmers, knights and scoundrels gather round, gather round to hear a tale of excitement and mystery. Brave adventurers facing grave dangers.

Belroth, the Ranger.

Belroth 3:11
She’s a grimalkin. That’s understood. No pets allowed, even though she’s not a pet. I will wait outside. Everyone, if anyone needs anything I am outside.

Anthony 3:20
Skarpin, the Cleric.

Belroth 3:23
Should I just try and snipe them from over here?

Skarpin 3:25
Yeah, okay. I did say they were as good as dead. I would hate to break my word on our first contract with Adventure Incorporated.

Anthony 3:34
Ellori, the Bard.

Ellori 3:37
We would want you to leave this warehouse.

Anthony 3:40
He points behind you. Church!

Ellori 3:42
Oh, sorry. We want you to leave this church.

Anthony 3:47
Deeran, the Wizard.

He say you no, worship Shattered Fang.

Deeran 3:52
Yeah, man, he’s like, super wrong. We love Broken Tooth- uh Shattered Fang, man.

Anthony 3:57
Prepare yourselves, for these are the tales of Adventure Incorporated!

You guys are standing outside the Standing Stone in Mughamar, just outside the Standing Stone near the Wolf’s Eye Lakes basically where you traveled to the Vorai Tower.

Belroth 4:19
The Wolf’s Eye Lake or the wolf sized lake?

Anthony 4:23
Wolf’s Eye Lakes. And you’re on the western Wolf’s Eye Lake.

Belroth 4:32
Not the wolf sized lakes.

Anthony 4:35

Belroth 4:35
Got it.

Anthony 4:36
Basically you are about a day’s travel away from the Brass Palace, and you are maybe 3 days travel from the Old Morevia Castle in the Southern part of-

Deeran 4:54

Anthony 4:55
Yes, Varina. Thank you. And basically from what you were told the demons came to Southern Mughamar and are tracking their way Westward toward the Old Morevia castle.

Belroth 5:13
What’s the game plan? I feel like we’re in a bit of a whirlwind right now, and I don’t know how to proceed.

Skarpin 5:20
Maybe we should head to the Brass Palace and we can, we can collect ourselves and maybe Adventure Incorporated, maybe they’ve already sent people out?

Ellori 5:32
I don’t think that’s a bad idea. Um, we’re going to need to start to send I guess people for supplies or figure out how to, how to do this, how to create a new Demon Stone.

Skarpin 5:49
Definitely, we’ll have to do that. Maybe we can help now. It seems like there’s-

Ellori 5:55
Yeah, no I’m just saying that we want to get started on the new one and help now and instead of waiting too long because I imagine that’s gonna take a while to get all the materials ready.

Skarpin 6:07
Yeah, that’s fair.

Belroth 6:10
So then we go to Federation Bay, I guess?

Deeran 6:17
Like, you 3 have like, pretty important stuff to do.

Ellori 6:24
Deeran, stop it! You’re part of the 4 of us.

Deeran 6:27

Ellori 6:27
And you can’t get out that easy. You have important things to do too.

Deeran 6:31
Yeah, I’m gonna go fight.

Belroth 6:34
I’m going with Deeran.

My family lives really close to here, and like, I don’t want to go to Federation Bay, right? Like, I’d rather go do the fighting before it gets anywhere near there and stop this, but like, you’re right. The sooner you can do, you know, the, the Demon Stone thing like, the better we’ll all be.

Skarpin 7:06
Deeran, if you’re going there then we are too. We’ll sort this out and then then we’ll go to handle this demon stuff, but we can’t do this without you. We’re going with you.

Belroth 7:18
Deeran, I don’t want what happened to my home to happen to your home, and I will do everything to prevent that.

Skarpin 7:27
Let’s go.

Belroth 7:27
I’m going with you.

Deeran 7:31
Thanks, you guys.

Skarpin 7:34
I just don’t know how to get there. Can you go first though?

Belroth 7:36
I mean I could try- I could get us there probably, but-

Anthony 7:40
Ellori’s like, okay, see you guys.

Ellori 7:47

Belroth 7:47
I’ll take my teeth and get out of here.

Skarpin 7:51
As we’re going- I know, I know we need work on this demon stuff and honestly we just can’t die because we’re the only one who knows how to do this so, let’s do this and stay alive!

Deeran 8:04
Well, that’s why I was saying like, maybe it’s better for you guys to go do that and like-

Skarpin 8:11
We’re gonna stay alive, Deeran. Don’t worry.

Ellori 8:16
If you think of it this way now all of us have died so we’re all technically undead, and we’ve all died before so what’s the matter if it happens again?

Skarpin 8:29
Yeah, yes?

Deeran 8:34
Is Archimedes there still?

Anthony 8:36
No, he did not come with you through the portal.

Belroth 8:38
Okay. All right. If we’re gonna go do this, so they said like the monsters are near Morevia or whatever so like, that’s that way, and Deeran points South.

Well, Freya and I can probably track us a path to there and get us there, but I think we may have to adjust our path depending on where the army is coming from. So, I think a straight line is probably best until we need to adjust.

Well yeah, I mean like- Sorry like, I forget that like I’m the only one that has been here before but like, the Wolf’s Eye Lakes are like, pretty popular destinations for like, tourists and like, vacation homes and stuff like, for the folks that live in the city to like, get out and so like, the you know, the like, the roads and stuff between here and there are pretty, pretty well traveled or so like, we could just take those.

Okay. Oh, that’s easier.

Deeran 9:49
Yeah, like, of course, a straighter line, you know, would be like, a shorter distance, but like, definitely way harder.

Belroth 9:55
We should still- I think that is probably smarter, but we should still be aware that the armies sometimes take these roads as well so we may have to jump off of them, but I think that is a thing I did not know about the area that it is well traveled.

Deeran 10:11
Well I mean like, we’re gonna go help the army, right?

Belroth 10:13
No, no, no, the bad army. We don’t want to run in with them.

Ellori 10:17
Well if we run in with them we kill them.

Deeran 10:19
Yeah, I feel like we definitely need to run into them.

Belroth 10:22
But I figured we would meet up with a good army first. Is that-

Skarpin 10:25
You said it’s this way, right?

Ellori 10:26
Ellori starts walking.

Deeran 10:33
Oh, yeah. I mean like, obviously, Belroth. Like, if it’s, if it’s crazy too many people like, we probably should-

Belroth 10:38
Yeah, that’s what I was going for, yes.

Skarpin 10:40
Ellori, do you think Belroth and Deeran will catch up eventually. I hope so.

Deeran 10:44
I assumed we were walking with you.

Belroth 10:46
We’re just walking behind them like, well, no, I think that I believe that I understand what you’re saying, but here’s what I’m saying. We’re being such frickin academics right now.

Deeran 10:57
Exactly. Deeran habitually has poured himself an ale. Like, I don’t know where it came from. He’s having a drink.

Belroth 11:07
To play devil’s advocate…

Ellori 11:08
I don’t know, Skarpin. They’ve never been undead before. Maybe it’s just gonna take them a little bit longer to catch on.

Skarpin 11:16
Yeah, they’ll have to adjust to the way things are.

Ellori 11:18
Yeah. Makes you see the world a little bit different.

Anthony 11:23
Deeran, you’re feeling very hungry.

Deeran 11:26
Yeah, I know! Deeran and Skarpin have a lot in common.

Skarpin 11:38
Even more now.

Deeran 11:43
But yeah, we catch up.

Anthony 11:53
So, you guys are heading South to Morevia, to Old Morevia? Okay, travel through this area, while Deeran is not wrong, there are pathways that travel between this area and down to Old Morevia. Old Morevia doesn’t have a lot of like, population there anymore. A lot of it’s moved out toward the Brass Palace. And honestly, the real reason for that is because of its proximity to the Deadlands. It’s really just a little close for a lot of people’s comfort and not a lot of support elsewise. Especially as the deadlands have, over time, continued to expand a little bit. People haven’t really spent a lot of time in Old Morevia.

Deeran 12:41
Yeah, Deeran, when he refers to “the city”, he does mean Federation Bay which to him is the city because that’s where he grew up.

Anthony 12:53
Sure. Sure.

Deeran 12:55
So like, the merchant class from Federation Bay does have a bunch of homes.

Anthony 13:01
And I think probably Old Morevia is like, you know, you probably pay some pretty penny to live on the coast near Old Morevia, you know?

Belroth 13:12
It’s like Cape Cod like, it’s very like, old but like, you still got to be wealthy to live there.

Anthony 13:19
And it’s right near the Deadlands.

Deeran 13:20
Yeah, sorry Fall River.

Anthony 13:29
That’s a very insular Massachusetts joke.

Ellori 13:32

Deeran 13:32
For our Fall River listeners, we love you.

Belroth 13:36
Recently rated one of the worst places to live so, they know.

Ellori 13:40

Anthony 13:43
All right. So, you guys head South, and I think for you, you hear the sounds of battle, right, but that can carry for miles, especially when things are big, right? So, you can, you can hear it from very far away. And so as you hike the world around you is very still, you know. The events that are happening to the South and to the East are causing enough of a stir in the area that you’re not seeing animals running around. You’re not seeing a lot of people, but you can still hear the sounds of battle and they are getting louder as you travel to the Southeast. What preparation are you guys doing?

Belroth 14:29
Belroth, while we’re traveling, takes out one of his silver arrows that he has taken, that he was given. He was given a bundle, and I don’t think we have determined how much.

Anthony 14:40
About a dozen.

Belroth 14:41
A dozen bundles?

Anthony 14:42
No. A dozen arrows.

Belroth 14:44
A dozen bundles. Okay. He takes one and he shimmies his armor and the cloth around it and he touches it to the spine that still stuck into his clavicle.

Anthony 14:59
You feel the spine burrow deeper into your chest.

Belroth 15:03
No no. He pulls it away.

Skarpin 15:06
Oh, no.

Anthony 15:08
Now, the upside is the spine is no longer sticking out of your chest.

Belroth 15:13
Oh, boy. Well-

Deeran 15:18
And the downside?

Anthony 15:19
It’s deeper in his chest. Just that old chestnut.

Belroth 15:29
Well now I definitely have a way to get it out. I just need a capable surgeon. Do those exist at this- they just need to- I need a scalpel made of silver and a surgeon to do it because I’m not going to cut this out of me, goodness.

Ellori 15:50
I saw someone do that before. One of our farmers, he got a spike from a fence stuck in his leg, and he was just down on the ground screaming and screaming, and I was just standing there, and I was like I- there’s too much blood for me here. This is really freaking me out. And I was like sorry, I can’t help you. And he was just like, screaming and crying, and I was stressing out. And then he just reached down and yanked it out of his leg, and then there was more blood, and then I fainted and it was a whole thing.

Belroth 16:26

Deeran 16:26
You were really brave.

Ellori 16:30
Thanks, Deeran.

Skarpin 16:34
Skarpin casts Cure Wounds on himself.

Belroth 16:37
We haven’t had time to rest, have we?

Ellori 16:41
Great. We can do a Short Rest. Can we rest while we’re walking?

Anthony 16:49
Not while walking, but you can stop for an hour.

Deeran 16:52
That’s the opposite of resting.

Belroth 16:54
We could do a Short Sest, yeah.

Skarpin 16:57
I don’t know if- Skarpin doesn’t want to.

Anthony 17:03
He just spent this spell.

Ellori 17:07
Um, yeah, guys, I have to tell you if we come across an army of demons right now, I can’t do anything.

Belroth 17:16
Well, I’m mostly okay and as is Freya fully okay. Um, I think we could, we could keep watch while everyone rests for a short time to regain themselves.

Skarpin 17:30
Hey, Deeran, are you okay if we rest? I want to get there as quickly as possible.

Deeran 17:35
Yeah, I just like, there’s- like Ellori said, you know, if we don’t, if we don’t rest and recenter a little bit, then we’re, we’re not going to be of any help when we get there.

Skarpin 17:47
All right.

Anthony 17:50
So, I don’t know what that “all right” means. Are you doing a Short Rest or a Long Rest?

Belroth 17:55
Short, I think.

Anthony 17:58
Okay, cuz that’s not really gonna help Ellori or Deeran, right? I mean, Deeran a little.

Ellori 18:02
That’s not going to help me at all.

Skarpin 18:03
Hit Dice, right?

Ellori 18:04
I mean, yeah, it’ll give me some Hit Dice.

Belroth 18:06
Do you not have spells? So, you’re out of spells?

Ellori 18:09
Yeah. We did a lot of fighting last episode. I used all of my spells last episode.

Skarpin 18:15
Time for Ellori and Deeran to lean on Belroth at Skarpin.

Belroth 18:18
We didn’t use any of our spells.

Deeran 18:23
I can either get to first level spells back or one second level spell back.

Belroth 18:29
I only have first level spells.

Anthony 18:31
And you did use some spells, Belroth. You just also spent Spellstones.

Belroth 18:37
Oh, those also counted as being-

Anthony 18:41
Oh, yes.

Belroth 18:41
Oh, man.

Anthony 18:43
Oh, yes.

Belroth 18:43
Nevermind. Yeah, let’s take a Long Rest.

Deeran 18:51
Deeran does not want to take a Long Rest.

Belroth 18:53
I don’t think we can. I don’t think we can realistically.

Deeran 18:57
How- okay, like, what if, like- is everybody looking physically okay at least?

Ellori 19:12
I am. On a scale of 38 I’m a 24.

Belroth 19:17
Physically I’m on a scale of 32 I’m a 27. So, on a scale of 25 Freya is a 25.

Deeran 19:25
Freya’s always a 25 . She’s a perfect 25 to me.

Belroth 19:31

Ellori 19:32
What if- Deeran, what if we try to get to Federation Bay as quickly as possible?

Deeran 19:37
I don’t think we should go there. I think we should go to the to the front where the fighting is and stop it before it gets that far, you know?

Ellori 19:45
Yes, I’m sorry.

Deeran 19:47
It’s okay. It’s been like, a crazy long day.

Ellori 19:49
What if we get there as soon as possible and then when we see the things that are- like, when we get the state of things, and we have more information then we can take a Long Rest.

Then we can figure it out.

Belroth 20:03
We also have, I believe, the boon from Lanier, correct? Doesn’t that give us the effect of a full Rest? If we are in, if we are- if we find ourselves in dire straits we can pop that immediately.

Anthony 20:20
Ellori is like, I don’t want to use that now.

Belroth 20:21
It expires in a year, I mean, right?

Ellori 20:26
No, I know. I’m just thinking if we’re-

Deeran 20:29
What if we decide to use that when we get there if we absolutely need to and otherwise-

Belroth 20:34
I like that idea. Yeah, not use it right now. Use it when we get there-

Deeran 20:37
Great talk.

Ellori 20:37
Ellori keeps walking.

Belroth 20:38
Oh, I’m following. Here we go.

Anthony 20:41
So, are you guys Short Resting?

Belroth 20:43
I don’t think we are at all.

Skarpin 20:44
I think that was decided.

Deeran 20:45
No, cuz everybody’s fine.

Skarpin 20:46
Okay, well, I am going to cast Cure Wounds on myself.

Belroth 20:52
Everyone’s fine. Right, Skarpin?

Deeran 20:55
Well, I asked!

Skarpin 20:55
I thought we had decided to to short west- short west.

Deeran 20:59
Short west. A wittle short west. Just a wittle baby west.

Belroth 21:07
I need to wecharge my spells.

Anthony 21:09
Games? Chawacters.

Deeran 21:11
What were we talking about the other day?

Ellori 21:13
Comwad Homestar.

Deeran 21:14
Oh yeah, Comwad Homestar.

Belroth 21:18
Mike’s Homestar impression is very good.

Deeran 21:21
Well, thank you.

Ellori 21:23
He was wearing his Homestar Runner shirt, which is just a bright red t-shirt with a white star in the middle, and he said people are gonna think I’m a communist. And I said, Comwad Homestar.

Deeran 21:34
Comwad Homestar. And then I thought it would be very funny to do the entire Communist Manifesto as read by Homestar Wunner.

Anthony 22:00
They’re taking our ~nonsense~.

Deeran 22:04
No ~nonsense~ taking da means of ~nonsense~ It’s their jobs.

Belroth 22:09
Victowy for the proletwiat.

Anthony 22:13
Okay, so

Belroth 22:16
Mike’s like, I’m a doctor. I don’t get this.

Skarpin 22:22
Skarpin casts Cure Wounds at level 1.

Anthony 22:26
All right. You guys traveled down South, and after a few more hours of travel as you are traveling down you notice on the horizon what appears to be a scuffle occurring. This definitely seems like the outskirts of any sort of battle that’s happening, but you see a bank of archers firing at some flying demons and a group of swordsmen in front trying to protect the archers. All of them seem to be having not a ton of luck. They’re having some luck, but not a ton of luck. It does not look like it’s going great as these flying barbed demons are harrying the frontlines.

Belroth 23:16
So, just it’s just archers and then frontlines. There’s no spell casters or anything?

Anthony 23:21
No spell casters. There’s a group of soldiers- of fighters with swords- swordsmen, there we go, swordsmen protecting the archers, but it’s largely a bank of archers. You guys are probably two rounds to get to them.

Deeran 23:45
I opened my mouth to speak and Homestar’s voice started coming out. Wow, you guys, this is weawy bad. What I meant to say was, oh man, you guys, it’s like, really bad down there.

Belroth 24:08
How many feet away- basically are they within- are the demons within longbow range?

Anthony 24:16
They’re about 100 feet.

Belroth 24:17
So, yes cuz I can shoot up to I believe 600 feet, so that’s nice.

Deeran 24:27
That’s so many feet.

Belroth 24:28
That’s why I took Sharpshooter. I’m just double checking. I don’t want to like, I don’t want to get yelled at by the people who are rightfully mad when I mess up the rules.

Deeran 24:41
By people who respect the game?

Belroth 24:42
Yes, people who play the game correctly. I don’t want to, I don’t want to make them mad because I don’t play right. The range is 150 and then 600, but I have Sharpshooter so I don’t have Disadvantage at that. Belroth immediately takes out his longbow and starts volleying at the demons with the 13 silver arrows because I did actually write it down. That’s how many I have.

Deeran 25:07
And do we see anyone in charge here?

Anthony 25:12
From this distance? It’s hard to tell because 100 feet’s not that far. You see somebody with-

Deeran 25:20
I was gonna say I can look out across the street and like, definitely tell what’s going on.

Anthony 25:24
All right.

Deeran 25:25
I got Lasik, Anthony.

Anthony 25:29
You’re right. With your laser eyes you can tell that there is someone with like, a like, Sergeant knots on their shoulder.

Belroth 25:37
Sergeant Knots?

Deeran 25:41
Sitting on that man’s shoulder.

Anthony 25:45
Go! Fire your arrows!

Belroth 25:49
He’s a halfling. This character exists now. He’s in my head and he’s there. Sergeant Knots. He better me.

Anthony 25:57
Then I guess you guys already know him. I don’t know.

Deeran 26:01
He’s famous.

Belroth 26:01
Yeah, he’s a famous Sergeant. Sergeant Knots.

Anthony 26:03
All right. Fuck.

Deeran 26:09
He’s a war hero, Anthony. Why are you so mad?

Belroth 26:13
The famous halfling General, Sergeant Knots!

Deeran 26:18
Yeah, he used to be a Sergeant, now he’s a General.

Anthony 26:21
He’s a General now. He just kept the nickname. As everyone knows when you go up in a rank sometimes you just want to keep the old rank name, you know? It just feels great. Mr. Williams, what are you gonna do? Just letting you have- letting you keep the old rank name.

Skarpin 26:41
Yup, I’m sticking with it.

Belroth 26:42
Mr. Doctor.

Deeran 26:44
Mr. Dr. Michael.

Belroth 26:48
Can I make an actual Attack Roll at the flying demons?

Anthony 26:52
Yes. Are you firing a silver arrow?

Belroth 26:54
You sure betcha.

Anthony 26:56
All right, you have to let me know.

Belroth 26:57
I shot a silver arrow. A silver awow with my longbow. Not using Sharpshooter, dirty 20.

Anthony 27:10
What a longbow. Dirty 20. You hit.

Belroth 27:13
I’m gonna use Favored Foe and do extra damage.

Anthony 27:20
God, that foe’s my favorite.

Belroth 27:22
It’s my favorite. My favorite foe. My favorite murder. What’s 6 plus 8?

Deeran 27:31

  1. Belroth 27:32
    14 damage.

Anthony 27:37
You fire off an arrow. It sails through the air, slams into one of these creatures up above, and a shriek emits that is terrifyingly loud and high pitched. And then the creature falls to the ground and burns away.

Belroth 27:59

Deeran 28:01
Yeah, Deeran takes off at a run to the Sergeant- to the General.

Anthony 28:10
Okay. It’s gonna take you 2 rounds to get there.

Deeran 28:14
If he’s 100 feet away, yes, it will because I’ll do 60 this round.

Anthony 28:20
Yeah, that’s what I figured.

Ellori 28:24
Ellori is gonna run too, but she’s only gonna run 35 feet.

Anthony 28:30
You run 35 feet.

Ellori 28:33
Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know.

Anthony 28:35
If you run, you use your whole Action to run, you double your movement speed.

Ellori 28:38
Oh then yeah, then Ellori goes 70 feet.

Belroth 28:42
All right!

Deeran 28:43
I didn’t realize it was a foot race.

Ellori 28:44
Got those long legs.

Skarpin 28:46
Just passes Deeran.

Ellori 28:48
On your left!

Belroth 28:52
On your right is Freya, just like lapping both of them moving 80.

Anthony 29:01
Skarpin, how far are you moving?

Skarpin 29:04
Skarpin only moves 30 because he’s also gonna cast Inflict Dream on one of the flying creatures.

Anthony 29:11

Skarpin 29:12
So, the target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw equal to my DC, which is 13.

Deeran 29:19
Or be forced to have a dream that inevitably fails them.

Anthony 29:23
Well, it failed.

Skarpin 29:25

Deeran 29:26
It wants to be a famous painter, Anthony. Does Skarpin get to pick.

Anthony 29:37
What does it do? Read to me what the spell does.

Skarpin 29:41
So yeah, they must- I can reach out to the Dream Plane with my mind and send them- nope, that’s different. I could use my Channel Divinity to target a creature within 90 feet that I can see. So, I had to move 10 feet before I did that. Target must make a Wisdom Saving equal to my spell save DC or fall into a magic sleep for 10 minutes. If it’s dealt damage they are or shaken awake they will wake before the time expires.

Anthony 30:08
Mmm, shake ‘n awake.

Skarpin 30:10
Shake ‘n awake.

Deeran 30:11
And I helped!

Anthony 30:13
Yeah, it’s flapping like, up above the group. It’s like, swooping in for a dive and then suddenly it just falls asleep, flops onto the ground, kicking up a bunch of dirt.

Skarpin 30:30
It’s dreaming that it has disappointed the Princess of Darkness.

Anthony 30:34
Oh, okay. The archers like, look back at it. Like, what the fuck?

Deeran 30:40
It just had a heart attack.

Anthony 30:42
One of the guys like, high fives one of the other guys.

Skarpin 30:47
Skarpin like, yells out in celebration. Yes! He’s back.

Anthony 30:55
He’s so excited to have access to magic again.

Skarpin 31:00
So, he’s real far behind, but he’s happy about it.

Anthony 31:04
Okay. So, I guess the creatures begin to make some Actions. You guys are still a little ways away, but they are tearing into these lines. You see a bevy of needles fire off into the archers from the swooping, flying demons, and they go down. And then there are a whole bunch charging the archers. It looks like a couple of the moving teeth and some of the stumpy gray guys and they’re mauling the swordsmen, but the swordsmen are holding the line. It’s your guys again.

Ellori 32:04
Ellori is going to look down at her chakram. She’s gonna twist her chakam off of her tambourine, and she is going to hold it in both hands and sing ~Glow. Heat it up. Heat it up, glow. Iron, silver, copper, or gold. All of it is going to glow.~ and she is going to throw it and hope it sticks. I’m so sweaty. Oh, my god, 18 plus- I don’t know. I don’t know what this thing does. 2.

Anthony 32:49
Who are you throwing it at?

Belroth 32:52
Skarpin. Ahh!

Ellori 32:57
Yeah, I don’t know the beefiest demon.

Deeran 33:00
Give me a beef demon, Anthony.

Anthony 33:06
Yeah, you send the chakram sailing through the air toward a beef demon. And you know, one of the ones on the frontline, one of the squat, muscular beef demons. It sails through the air, sinks itself into his beef. So, what, what does it do for damage?

Ellori 33:33
So, it does 3 damage?

Deeran 33:36

Ellori 33:37
No, no, no, that’s just the chakram. It does 3 damage from the chakram and then, um- and I don’t have to double up the chakram damage if that’s too much, but um, it is gonna take 2d8 and then I can use a Bonus Action on each of my turns to cause that damage again.

Anthony 33:59
Okay, fine.

Ellori 34:00
Yeah, it can’t do the Constitution Saving Throw because it’s not wearing it, I think.

Anthony 34:04
Right, but it can try to get rid of it.

Ellori 34:07
For sure. And if it doesn’t, it has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks.

Anthony 34:13
Okay. Yeah, okay. All right. So 8 total damage?

Ellori 34:32

Belroth 34:35
Nailed it.

Anthony 34:38

Belroth 34:40
Belroth looses another- takes 30 steps- 30 steps. 30 feets. Takes 30 feets forward and looses another arrow.

Skarpin 34:55
30 baby feet.

Belroth 35:00
Looses another arrow into another flying demon, trying to- with a silver arrow. He’s going to- because it’s all like, the- there’s none of the huge freakin demons that we saw in the past, right?

Anthony 35:18

Belroth 35:19
Okay, yeah he’s gonna not Sharpshooter, and he’s gonna shoot another flying demon.

Anthony 35:24
You’re shooting the spiky ones in the air?

Belroth 35:26
Yeah, cuz fuck them. 22.

Anthony 35:33
22 hits.

Belroth 35:36
Yeah, that’s a lot of hits. That’s several hits.

Anthony 35:40
Well let’s not go crazy.

Belroth 35:45

  1. Anthony 35:47
    Okay, this one does not- actually yes. So, you fire the silver arrow and again the creature tumbles out of the air and slams to the ground.

Belroth 35:59
It does? Okay. And then Freya jumps to the frontline and lunges at the nearest demon and tries to make a tackle attack. A tackle attackle.

Deeran 36:11
Ooo, it’s super effective.

Belroth 36:14
I hope so. Are they weak to normal? Well, I guess we’ll find out.

Deeran 36:20
Somewhere in that range. They’re certainly not super strong.

Belroth 36:23
Is normal good against dark?

Anthony 36:28

Deeran 36:28
Don’t ask me.

Belroth 36:30
We’ll find out.

Deeran 36:31
Ask the Pokedexpert.

Belroth 36:34
I refuse. Makes an attack. Freya charges. Boom. 23. Rolled a 19, boom. And then it has to make a DC 12 Saving Throw.

Anthony 36:52
It succeeds.

Belroth 36:54
All right. Well, it takes 7, 8, 9. It takes 7 plus 4 so, 11 damage anyways, and it’s not knocked prone.

Anthony 37:04
Okay. It takes 11 damage, and it is not knocked prone.

Deeran 37:08
Deeran finishes his run to the General. Hey, hey, man. What’s going on out here?

Anthony 37:20
Are you a soldier?

Deeran 37:22
Uh, we can definitely fight. The 4 of us. We’re here to help.

Anthony 37:27
Well, we won’t turn down any help.

Deeran 37:29
Uh, where do you need us?

Anthony 37:31
Frontlines. If these demons break through and start tearing up these ranks? We’re gonna be in a lot of trouble. Hey- he slaps the guys on the shoulder. Scoot a little over to the right? He looks out and he’s like, down on that end would be perfect.

Belroth 37:46
I love General Knots. Please become a main part of our campaign. I love him.

Deeran 37:53
And so Deeran heads down that way like, to get, I guess, the remaining movement he has which is none. So, he stands next to the General.

Anthony 38:05
Sounds good.

Ellori 38:07
Sounds good.

Deeran 38:09
And he points his staff in launches Catapult at like, a charging line of bad guys.

Anthony 38:19
Okay. Catapult is a spell you know, right?

Deeran 38:23

Anthony 38:24
Okay, perfect. As opposed to a function of the staff. I couldn’t- I didn’t think it was a function of the staff.

Deeran 38:31
No it’s not. I just use the staff for flavor because it’s got the 3 things that like, float around it.

Anthony 38:40
That’s why I don’t charge you Spellstone for it. It doesn’t really do anything.

Deeran 38:47
I disagree. I think it looks rad as hell.

Anthony 38:49
I mean mechanically. It doesn’t mechanically that you couldn’t otherwise.

Deeran 38:54
A small piece of silver flies out toward the bad guys.

Anthony 38:59
Yeah, that ancient silver coin.

Deeran 39:01
And so, yeah. Oh, that would have been worth way more. I’ve got, I’ve got another one in there. The bad guy makes a Dex Save.

Anthony 39:19
What’s your DC

Deeran 39:22

Anthony 39:23
Okay, it meets 14.

Deeran 39:26
Well, fuck. All right. As it hits the ground, it explodes.

Anthony 39:33
The silver coin?

Deeran 39:35
Yeah. Basically, let me, let me read the exact text of Catapult because it’s ridiculous.

Belroth 39:47
I love that spell.

Deeran 39:48
Me too. The object flies- choose one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds within range that isn’t being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 90 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature that creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. So, the coin dies, right?

Anthony 40:22

Deeran 40:24
The coin explodes when it hits the ground behind this guy. So, I don’t know if there’s like, waves of bad guys running toward us?

Anthony 40:33

Deeran 40:35
And when it explodes-

Belroth 40:38
Oh, so like, he like, dodges out of the way and it explodes behind him.

Deeran 40:42
Yeah, yeah.

Belroth 40:43
I thought it was like, he failed the save, so it explodes. I was like, what?!

Deeran 40:50
So, 17 damage to whatever gets caught in that blast.

Anthony 40:56
Does he take half?

Deeran 40:58
No, he takes nothing. Like, he completely dodges the explosion. It’s like an action movie where like oh Jason Statham, for example, knocks a rocket out of the room with a serving tray.

Anthony 41:12
Yeah, this meat demon that you fired at, the coin lands behind him, explodes. He looks really cool. His bald head shining as the fire behind him explodes and-

Ellori 41:25
He looks at the camera and says, “family.”

Deeran 41:28
That’s a different movie, but yes.

Anthony 41:30
Yeah, but similar. Similar, but different.

Belroth 41:34
He looks at the camera and says, “The Transporter 2.”

Anthony 41:41
The walking mouth next to him, which is probably played by, you know, whatever actor-

Skarpin 41:49
Kevin Hart.

Anthony 41:49
Yeah it’s like, Kevin Hart or Ryan Reynolds or something-

Deeran 41:51
Oh, Kevin Hart would be a good one.

Anthony 41:53
Yeah, so the walking mouth next to him blows up from the explosion of the coin.

Ellori 41:58
Sorry Kevin Hart.

Belroth 42:00
Sorry Kevin Hart.

Deeran 42:01
Sorry Kevin Hart. Leave a 5 star review anyway for name dropping you. Thanks.

Belroth 42:07
What a weird way to find out Kevin Hart listens to our podcast.

Deeran 42:13

Anthony 42:14
Do you roll damage on that like, what happens now?

Deeran 42:17
17 damage. It explodes.

Anthony 42:19
Yeah, so the mouth is dead.

Deeran 42:21
Yeah, nice.

Anthony 42:23

Deeran 42:24
That’s my turn.

Anthony 42:26
Yeah, nice. Take that mouth!

Deeran 42:27
That’s all I got.

Skarpin 42:30
Great. Skarpin fires off Guiding Bolt at one of the airborne creatures.

Anthony 42:37

Skarpin 42:40
15 to hit.

Anthony 42:43
15 does not hit

Skarpin 42:47
Shakes his shield bit and keeps on walking up.

Ellori 42:54
Um, 3 damage.

Anthony 43:01
Oh, oh I forgot to tell you. It definitely took the chakram out of itself and threw it on the ground.

Ellori 43:07
Did it pass a Constitution Check

Anthony 43:09
To take it out of itself?

Ellori 43:12
Does it have to?

Belroth 43:13
I think it has to it has to. It’s like touching a hot object.

Deeran 43:16
Yeah you have to like-

Ellori 43:17
Must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw or drop the object if it can. So, I guess that’s up to interpretation. It could just rip it out of its chest.

Anthony 43:26
Yeah it drops the objects. It can.

Ellori 43:29
Uh, well.

Deeran 43:31

Anthony 43:32
It was a 3 damage chakram attack. I don’t think it went that deep, you know what I’m saying.

Ellori 43:37
Okay. All right. You don’t know.

Belroth 43:39
You haven’t been hit with a chakram before. You don’t know.

Ellori 43:42
Those teeth stick in.

Belroth 43:44
Those teeth stick in.

Skarpin 43:45

Deeran 43:46
Those teeth stick in.

Anthony 43:48
He is a beef demon, all right?

Belroth 43:51
Yeah, that’s why they stick in. He’s a beef demon.

Ellori 43:55

Anthony 43:57
I hate beef demon.

Ellori 43:58
God, now I can’t even go get the chakram because then she’s gonna get an attack of opportunity. She turns to her friends and gives a big thumbs up, and says I believe in you all. I can’t do it magically. But I do believe in you.

Belroth 44:11
Can’t, can’t you like, create stuff? Isn’t that bad for them? Like, don’t you have a song that literally makes things? I don’t know how that works? You made a lot of teeth once. Remember that?

Ellori 44:24

Skarpin 44:27
Skarpin feels inspired.

Ellori 44:32
I don’t know how long it takes. Okay, yeah, um, she just needs to recoup right now.

Anthony 44:45
Okay. Great. Now that you guys are close enough, not you, Skarpin, the demons start to attack- also, not you, Belroth right? But Freya is. So, a beef demon attacks Freya.

Belroth 45:02

Deeran 45:04
Yeah cuz Ellori is also in the like, not frontlines.

Anthony 45:09
She’s pretty close cuz she moved faster than you the first round.

Deeran 45:14

Anthony 45:15
So, she’s close enough that she could get needled.

Deeran 45:18
Oh, sure.

Anthony 45:20
Um, so, the demon attacks Freya twice. Hits once.

Belroth 45:28
Demon’s my enemy now.

Anthony 45:29
For 8 damage on Freya.

Belroth 45:32
Definitely my enemy now.

Anthony 45:35
Needle demons firing from above, swooping down on you, Deeran. They fire needles at you. Miss. They fire needles at Ellori. Miss. And you do get two swipes, Deeran, as well from a demon trying to get at the General. Obviously he repels that attack, and it goes right towards you. You get hit with 1 of the demon’s claws for 7 damage.

Deeran 46:11
Okay. I accept that.

Anthony 46:20
Sergeant Knots raises his hand and-

Deeran 46:25

Anthony 46:26
General Sergeant Knots rallies the troops for another fire off into- another volley of arrows up into the flying creatures. They shoot off a ton of arrows that fly up into the air. 3 of the needle creatures fall. It looks like there’s 1 of the needle demons left, and the swordsman attack. There’s now 1 meat demon left and 1-

Belroth 46:55
Beef demon.

Anthony 46:55
Yeah, it’s the beef demon that Deeran tried to kill, but he’s too cool for that and 1 walking mouth.

Deeran 47:06
Deeran points a finger gun at him, the beef demon, the cool beef demon.

Anthony 47:13
Yeah, yeah.

Belroth 47:16
Beef Diesel.

Deeran 47:18
Beef diesel. And the necklace around his neck glows and launches out 4 force darts that all hit.

Belroth 47:33
Jason Beefthan.

Deeran 47:35
That’s right.

Belroth 47:36
That’s more accurate.

Deeran 47:39
I liked Beef Diesel better.

Belroth 47:41
But we said that family didn’t count, so it has to be Jason Beeftham.

Anthony 47:48
I hate it. I hate all of this.

Deeran 47:52
It deals 14 damage.

Anthony 47:53
Beefvesterstalone. 14?

Deeran 48:00
Sylvester Sirloin.

Anthony 48:07
Okay, you have tenderized the beef demon with force darts.

Belroth 48:16
Sylvester Sirloin is so good!

Skarpin 48:18
Uh, Skarpin-

Deeran 48:18
Quits the podcast.

Skarpin 48:23
Slows down a bit as he’s walking. Nah. He casts Sleep, trying to catch as many of the bad guys as possible and none of the good guys. So, within 20 feet. At least the beef demon because he saw that Deeran and attacked him.

Anthony 48:39
Yeah, yeah.

Skarpin 48:42
So, he’s gonna roll 5d8, adding up numbers. Friggin 12.

Anthony 48:54
The beef demon falls asleep.

Skarpin 48:56
All right. It was worth it.

Anthony 49:00
All right.

Belroth 49:02
Take him out. The monster that hit Freya, where are they?

Anthony 49:09
The monster that hit Freya is now asleep.

Belroth 49:14
Oh, well that’s a bummer. I wanted to take vengeance. There’s a big pile of teeth, you said?

Anthony 49:20
Yes, a walking mouth.

Belroth 49:24
Belroth is gonna Sharpshooter it and he’s going to move- I think I can move Favored Foe. No, I can’t. I don’t think. Okay, well either way he’s gonna Sharpshooter the walking mouth. 2, sorry. Um, uh, 10. Nope, 4 because I Sharpshooted. Belroth loses an arrow.

Anthony 50:00
Yeah, your silver arrow goes flying away. Gone.

Belroth 50:05
I’m gonna get that one back. Freya, no longer in combat with this beef demon, is going to run back 20 feet and then run forward 20 feet, or run like, a little bit away and then run 20 feet towards the piling teeth, the gaping maw.

Anthony 50:26
So, it can do a little charging pounce.

Belroth 50:28
Yeah, a little charge attack. That is a 22, and it needs to make a DC 12 Strength Saving Throw.

Anthony 50:45

Belroth 50:47
So, it succeeds

Anthony 50:49
You did not knock this pile of teeth prone.

Belroth 50:51
No. She’s just really not doing well. Yeah, she really didn’t do well. She rolled a 1 so 5 damage. Like, how do you pounce on a pile of teeth?

Anthony 51:05
It’s a mouth to be fair. It’s a full mouth. It’s not just a pile of teeth.

Belroth 51:08
How do you jump ON a mouth without jumping INTO a mouth is the real logistical question she’s doing in her mind, and so she just kind of jumps and like, scratches.

Anthony 51:18
Yep, you get that- she like, scratches the teeth. You get like, scratch on teeth sound.

Belroth 51:23
You know like, when a cat doesn’t like something but doesn’t know how to attack it, and they’re like, paw is just sort of like, hovering for a little bit?

Anthony 51:28
No. Ellori, are you gonna do anything?

Ellori 51:31
Yeah, so Ellori is going to sing ~I’ve got a pricking on the tips of my fingers. I’ve got an image in the back of my brain. Where there was nothing, let there be something. Show me silver blades.~ And she is going to all of a sudden have a silver plated scythe.

Belroth 51:55

Anthony 51:57

Ellori 51:59
And that’s her Action. She’s going to move forward a bit too.

Anthony 52:03
All right. Cool.

Belroth 52:07
That’s useful.

Deeran 52:09
Yeah, as that appears Deeran is just like, floored.

Anthony 52:16
When you create a silver weapon with this ability, it is a plus 1 weapon.

Ellori 52:23
Oh, cool. What does that mean?

Anthony 52:26
It means you get a plus 1 to all Attack Rolls and a plus 1 to all damage.

Ellori 52:30

Anthony 52:32
You find as you generate this silver weapon that that is the case.

Ellori 52:36
Thank you.

Anthony 52:40

Deeran 52:43
I think that’s everybody, Anthony.

Belroth 52:44
And then a bunch of teeth just kind of keep falling out of your hands.

Anthony 52:49
The teeth attack Freya.

Belroth 52:52

Anthony 52:55
They bite on hard trying to pull Freya into the maw and the void beyond.

Deeran 53:06
Oh that’s so scary. When you say it that way. Like, now I know what happens when they eat, and I hate that.

Anthony 53:16
6 damage to Freya.

Belroth 53:18
All right. Does you have to make any saves?

Anthony 53:20
Nah. It’s just munching on her.

Belroth 53:21

Anthony 53:22
Just munching on her. It’s gnawing on her. Beef demon snores. And flying demon in the back snores. You have 2 sleeping demons. It’s like a demon B&B over here. The one above flies down to shoot needles.

Belroth 53:47
I was trying to figure out how to do a D&D, and then I was like, aw, man.

Anthony 53:57
It’s gonna fire needles at Deeran. It misses. It’s gonna scratch twice it Ellori. Hits once.

Ellori 54:06

Anthony 54:11
For 10 damage.

Ellori 54:12
Ow! Yikesaroni.

Anthony 54:17
And it is now your turns again with 2 upright demons.

Ellori 54:23
The one that just scratched me is going to get scythed.

Anthony 54:26
Okay. Go ahead, and make an attack at it.

Ellori 54:29
All right. I will. 13.

Anthony 54:34
Yeah, you don’t scythe it.

Deeran 54:36
Did you add your plus 1?

Ellori 54:38
Sure did. To get a 14 that still wouldn’t hit?

Deeran 54:45
You don’t know!

Ellori 54:46
Yeah, you’re right.

Belroth 54:48
Cheat now.

Deeran 54:51
Yeah, Anthony wasn’t paying attention.

Anthony 54:53
Yeah, I’m sorry. How much do you do? How much was it?

Ellori 54:56

Anthony 54:57
Yeah, you miss.

Deeran 55:00
Oh, god. Run away, everyone.

Belroth 55:02
Everybody, run. Suddenly they got stronger.

Ellori 55:07
Ellori, like ~ugh~ in frustration.

Anthony 55:10

Deeran 55:12
Deeran pulls out his other finger guns and shoots at the mouth once. It is a 17 plus 6, a 23 to hit.

Anthony 55:35
23 hits.

Deeran 55:36
Great. It takes 8 fire damage. Is it still up?

Anthony 55:45
It is.

Deeran 55:46
Okay. He shoots at it again. This time a 25 to hit.

Anthony 55:54
Still hits.

Deeran 55:55
And it takes another 5 damage.

Anthony 55:59
That is enough.

Deeran 56:01
Yeah, let’s go! The fire engulfs the teeth, freeing Freya. And then Deeran, 1 last shot at the one flying around with the needles that keeps trying to needle me. I don’t like it. And that is a 20 to hit.

Anthony 56:25

Deeran 56:27
Let’s go! 10 damage.

Anthony 56:30

Deeran 56:32
Pretty good turn. Of course, as his fingers are going, all of the magic is shooting out of the necklace on his chest. And like, he holds his finger close to his chest at the end so that the smoke rising from the necklace, he can blow and it looks like it’s coming off the top of his fingers.

Skarpin 56:55
So cool. Skarpin tries to snipe the creature flying through the air and tries to put him to sleep because Deeran softened him up a bit.

Anthony 57:09
With a Sleep spell?

Skarpin 57:11
Yeah. 18.

Anthony 57:17
Okay, it also falls out of the sky and drops into the row of archers. Additionally, the archer that Sergeant Knots- General Sergeant Knots is riding on, falls asleep and starts to fall. And General Sergeant Knots is like, al- always! Hey, wake up. He’s like, slapping him on the back of the head.

Skarpin 57:39
Cool. And Skarpin, seeing all the demons down, he still runs up and as other people are doing other things he’s gonna take his short sword staff and stab the ones who are sleeping.

Belroth 57:53
Oh yeah, you still have the short sword on the staff?

Skarpin 57:56
Yeah, the silver short sword.

Anthony 57:59
Yeah, okay. Yeah, you coup de grace these sleeping creatures. That’s fine.

Deeran 58:04
Yeah, I was so curious. Like, I was like, oh cool, he put him to sleep. The battle’s ending. What’s he going to do? Is he gonna like, invade their dreams and like, murder their brains or something?

Ellori 58:15
Oh, he murdered their brains.

Anthony 58:39
Hey, everyone. DM Anthony here, just reminding you that if you’re enjoying the show, tell your friends, tell your family. Let people know word of mouth. And you can support the show at Or you can check out the shop at Make sure you check the show notes and the website for all our social media, including our Discord where you can come and hang out with some great people. We’ll see you there, and until next week, I wish you nothing but critical success.

Adventure Incorporated 59:14
Serious business.

We’re super serious!

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