Jator Sakesh

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Jator Sakesh
First appearanceEpisode 49 - Manhunter
Voiced byJon Hoffe
Full nameJator Sakesh
RaceDragonborn (Blue)

Jator Sakesh is a dragonborn manhunter from Ishtarra. He was contracted by Constance Redbridge to hunt for Viltroth. When he found him, he returned to Adventure Incorporated, as per the instructions he was given, and brought the Many Pennies to assist in bringing Viltroth in.


Jator Sakesh was born in the Desert of Ishtarra. Most creatures aren’t born in Ishtara proper, but under it, where the dark elves live. The blue dragonborn are an exception to this. Like all the creatures that live in the desert above, Jator found himself born to a nomadic tribe. Moving from oasis to oasis among the shifting sands. When his people could not find food and water they took it, usually from the marauding human tribes. Jator learned the finer points of hunting and stalking in those early years surrounded by the sand.

Dragonborn are not known for their reliance on family, and the blue dragonborn, even less so. Jator was fairly young when he left to travel on his own. A pack required you take care of your weakest member; alone, Jator only had to make sure he was taken care of. Jator found himself on the edge of the desert, far away from the seemingly endless waves of sand he had known. It was here that he first encountered the goblins. Goblins were filthy, despicable creatures, but they had a penchant for hoarding valuables. Jator learned quickly the best ways to dispatch the creatures, but he also came to love the idea of using the forests they lived in against them.

Hunting down goblins is okay, but it’s leaving a lot of value on the table. It wasn’t long before Jator got hooked up with several adventuring companies. He never became a regular at any particular company, but instead took bounty hunter jobs from several different companies. Missions Possible, Brolly’s Brawlers, even Adventure Incorporated a few times. Jator found his specialty in hunting people down and killing goblins. And business was good.

In the months before Constance Redbridge contacted him, an old contact of his from the few jobs he had taken back at Adventure Incorporated, he had found himself back in the desert of Ishtara. The landscape of the desert had changed a lot in his absence. Instead of small packs of humans scraping by to survive, they had banded together and turned cruel. Along with desert druids, these barbarians had started raiding any small settlements in the desert and any dark elf civilization close enough to the surface to get their hands on. They were not just taking some goods like human pillagers might have done in the past, but instead everything they could take including slaves and sacrifices. This new band included humans from the Red Sun, Konoquu, and Buureen tribes, as well as many others. Their new group called itself “Gorm’s Marauders” and Jator was after their leader, Kelgen of the Konoquu.

Note from Redbridge


You have never been one for pleasantries so I will spare you them. I could use your particular skills. I am looking for someone, and I am hoping you can find him. As you might imagine, you are not the only person I have looking for this individual, and I am applying my not inconsiderable skill to the problem as well. As such, if you wish to be paid, I recommend you work quickly. I am looking for a man named Viltroth. He is a human with a proclivity toward the necromantic arts. He was presumed dead for a long time, but it has recently come to my attention that he is acting for agents of darkness. If you do manage to find him DO NOT ENGAGE him. He is incredibly dangerous and I would hate for you to take him on alone. If you find evidence of his whereabouts contact the current leaders of Adventure Incorporated and send me a note so I know to return. They will undoubtedly be interested in helping you capture Viltroth. As always, I believe you are aware that I am good for it.

Constance Redbridge
Former Beastmaster of Adventure Incorporated
(A story for another time, perhaps)

Jator’s relationship with Constance was one of mutual respect. She was a very competent hunter and they had shared many stories over flagons of ale. The letter’s tone was hurried and scared. This was clearly serious, and maybe deeper than Jator was being let on to. That was Constance’s way, however. She was not very forthcoming with things she didn’t feel were pertinent.

Jator began his search for Viltroth by heading west, mostly listening for stories of strange necromancy in the area. The further North West he moved the more stories he heard of strange screams in the night and the random roving undead being seen in the rocky plains of Perrinith.

Jator found himself nearly to High Grove, on the banks of the Blue Crystal Lake, before he managed to track the rumors. He fought a few undead on the banks when he noticed the boat rowing to the small island near the edge of the lake. The creature stopped on a small island with a cave and moved slowly and silently past a few undead creatures on the exterior of the cave who did not seem to regard him. Jator focused on the creature and used the power of his sword, Harmony. He had found him. And now he needed to travel to Carapath to find the leaders of Adventure Incorporated.

Magic Items

Jator carries two blades crafted by Grimlock Ironshaper called Harmony and Acrimony. They are powerful swords for hunting and tracking their prey. He also carries a number of enchanted arrows he uses for more intense situations.