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Campaign 2[edit]

God of Judgement and War and a member of the Celestial Host


  • Order
  • War
  • Forge


A hammer, its head a twisted cage of metal


Murkas is known as the Lord of War, the Justicar, and the Balance of Judgement. Murkas represents the will of the Touched, both their ability to be stubborn and steadfast, and their ability to make choices and accept the consequences of those choices. He is the god of justice and many seek his guidance when dealing with matters of fairness. He is also the god of war, supporting the armies of the empire as they seek to defend their home from the Triton invaders. Murkas is depicted as a stout, proud dwarf in long scarlet robes with a long braided beard and filed ram horns on his head. He wears a single steel pauldron with a rams head on it. He is also depicted wielding a warhammer of interlocking twisted bars. It is both seen as a symbol of justice and a symbol of destruction for both of Murkas’ aspects. His angels are depicted as large, strong beings with flaming swords and wings of metal and fire. Every few years the emperor will declare a day of games and activities in the name of Murkas to engender clean competition and fair play among the regions. The Murkians are declared by the emperor and each region gets a chance to host them.

Adherents of Murkas[edit]

Adherents of Murkas wear red and have the symbol of Murkas’ hammer depicted on their clothing. Adherents are often sought to settle disputes or act as dealers of imperial justice. The Scarlet Guard are a sect of adherents of Murkas largely created to handle injustice amongst the adherents, but their reach has expanded to all forms of heresy. Additionally, each battalion in the front lines of the war with the Tritons has an adherent of Murkas to help with strategy and act as chaplin. Adherents of Murkas tend to be stubborn but fair, and many engage in combat arts to feel closer to their deity.

Campaign 1[edit]

God of the Fierce Battle and a member of the Divine Court


  • War (The Raging Battle)
  • Nature (The Savage Brutality)
  • Trickery (The Strategy of War)


A ram horn.


Murkas is known as the Lord of War, the Master Strategist, and the Savage King. He watches all forms of combat and destruction with a hungry eye, longing to join the tides of war. The emotion people feel when the anger rushes over them is said to be the breath of Murkas whispering thoughts of war in their ear. Depictions of Murkas show a stout, proud dwarf in full plate armor, only his beard visible through the metal plates. Two great ram horns protrude from his head, even in the few images of him without a helmet. He always wields a great, two-handed axe forged from flame known in legends as “Spirit Cleaver”. His angels are depicted as large, strong beings with flaming swords and wings of metal and fire. Murkas’ followers tend to be hot-headed, but strong-willed. They have a keen mind for strategy and games matched with a ruthless competitive desire. While many of Murkas’ followers take pride in their physical prowess, not all physically imposing individuals follow Murkas, and not all followers of Murkas are physically imposing. Many theologians suspect that Murkas has taken the form of the dwarf to show that his focus is not on physical prowess, but on a battle-ready spirit.

Clerics of Murkas[edit]

Of all the gods, the devout of Murkas spend the least time in the church and the most time on the field of battle. Even the priests and acolytes who tend to the temples of Murkas spend some of their day sparring and practicing, keeping their mind and bodies sharp. Clerics of Murkas tend to wear shades of red to intimidate their enemies and represent the ram’s horn on their armor in some way. The clerics of Murkas are as good at being generals as they are at being foot soldiers. They will get the job done in battle but also know when to step up and make tactical decisions as well. While they can be strong-willed and brash, they seldom fight without cause. The mental and physical exercise of combat thrills them, but violence that does not serve a purpose is abhorrent. They are as much the shield of the weak as they are the sword against evil.